Every young female golfer who dreams of one day playing professionally probably envisions life lifting trophies. It's not a simple quest of moving from A to B, it takes commitment and a lot of perseverance.
Professional golfers lucky enough to qualify for their tour card, travel constantly. In 2017 the tour schedule included tournaments in Australia, China, Morocco, Spain, Scotland, India, USA & France to name a few... Pictured below, Saadiyat Beach Golf Club - Abu Dhabi.
Professional golfers lucky enough to qualify for their tour card, travel constantly. In 2017 the tour schedule included tournaments in Australia, China, Morocco, Spain, Scotland, India, USA & France to name a few... Pictured below, Saadiyat Beach Golf Club - Abu Dhabi.

To many of us amateurs, the chance to travel to climates with sunshine are of course, extremely desirable. With tour players however, it often comes down to budgeting. If you don’t make the cut, you don’t earn a penny! The not knowing whether you can collect a pay cheque at the end, can be daunting however successful you are. It certainly takes an extremely focused individual to undertake the golfer's journey.
Follow the journey of our fantastic Swing Out Sister Golf Ambassadors Trish Johnson and Charlotte Thompson through their roller-coaster ride on the Ladies European Tour in 2018..